apply to land conversion operations? I
am a landowner here in East Texas and I am
considering converting my land from timber to pastureland. So do I still need to implement BMPs during
and after this harvest job?
A: Today more and
more timberland is being converted for other uses such as pastureland,
residential expansion, and the list goes on and on. The Texas Forest Service (TFS) encourages the
use of BMPs before, during, and after any silvicultural (forestry)
operation. However, the BMP Bluebook
only offers guidelines and recommendations for protecting water quality during forestry
operations and not during land conversions.
Although the Bluebook does not address land conversion operations, there
are many reasons why you would want to follow many of the forestry BMPs.
Land conversion, just like
forestry operations, has the potential to negatively impact water quality if
done improperly. For this reason, I
would recommend leaving a streamside management zone (SMZ) along both sides of
any perennial or intermittent streams that may be running through the area that
is being converted to pasture. The SMZ
should follow the guidelines specified in the Bluebook and extend out 50 feet
on both sides of the stream and retain a minimum of 50 square feet of basal
area per acre.
It is important to remember
that SMZs play an important role in filtering the runoff before it enters the
stream. The fact that you are clearing
the land will only increase the amount of water flow across the area thus
increasing the chance of sediment or other types of nonpoint source pollution
entering the stream. SMZs also provide
valuable habitat for many different species of wildlife and since this is being
converted to pasture, the SMZ may also serve as a good shady spot for livestock
if you will have any grazing in this pasture.
Not only does the SMZ provide shade for livestock but also for the
steam, keeping the water temperature cool and the root systems of the trees aid
in stabilizing streambanks keeping them from washing away.
The TFS would also recommend
the use of water control structures such as waterbars, rolling dips, broad
based dips, wing ditches, etc. on any road or skid trail left after the harvest
job. Chances are that most if not all of
the roads and skid trails used during the operation will be seeded and become
part of the pasture. Until the seed has
established itself water control structures should be used in order to prevent
any dirt from moving off the road and possibly into the stream. Also by using these water control structures
you are keeping your topsoil in place which is beneficial in producing a
healthy pasture.
While forestry BMPs are not
designed or expected to be implemented during land conversions, you can see
that BMPs are very broad based and it makes sense to consider implementing some
of these practices. Also, you may want
to contact your local NRCS office to see if there are other agricultural BMPs
that need to be followed that are more specific to pastureland. Whether you are conducting a forestry
operation, land conversion, or some other operation remember that everyone
plays a role in protecting the water quality of our lakes, rivers, and streams. Take time to review all aspects of your
operation and things that can be done to minimize the impact on the surrounding
If you have any questions
regarding BMPs please call me at (936) 639-8180. Also if you need a copy of the newly revised
BMP Bluebook please visit or call your local TFS office or you can view it
online at http://txforestservice.tamu.edu/water.
* This article was published in the April 2005 issue of the Texas Logger