Friday, September 28, 2012

Texas NRCS Personnel Attend Forestry BMP Training

On Tuesday, September 25 in Jefferson, Texas and on Thursday, September 20 in Lufkin, Texas NRCS personnel attended training put on by TFS water resources staff to become more familiar with Texas Forestry Best Management Practices.  This was an opportunity for some to become newly acquainted with forestry BMPs and for others to be refreshed.  All aspects of the BMP program were covered in the morning session of the class to ensure that all those attending had been exposed to forestry BMPs as well as to facilitate discussion on some issues they might face in their jobs. 

After lunch, the classes visited recently harvested tracts to view these best management practices first hand.  At the field sites, the students were able to identify different stream types, view and discuss streamside management zones (SMZs), look at various stream crossing methods, view and discuss water control structures and other aspects of timber harvesting, and how BMPs are implemented in these activities.  The ultimate goal of these classes was for NRCS personnel to leave with a greater understanding of forestry BMPs to aid landowners in protecting soil and water resources.  

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